Michael Yardney
Michael Yardney
Michael Yardney, the founder of Metropole has been voted one of Australia’s 50 most influential Thought Leaders.
As Australia’s leading expert in wealth creation Michael is intimately involved in ensuring the national team at Metropole help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth by offering strategic advice on property investment, home buying and selling, financial planning and wealth management, property management and renovations and property development.
This wholistic approach has allowed the team to help thousands of Australians move closer towards their financial goals since he first founded the Metropole Group of Companies in 1979.
- Why not subscribe to Michael’s daily Property Update briefing here
- Listen to the Michael Yardney Podcast on your favourite app or subscribe here
I’m proud of the reputation the team at Metropole have earned for helping ordinary Australians secure their financial futures through property investment
Michael Yardney has once again been voted Australia’s leading property investment adviser. In fact, he has won similar awards 5 times in the last 7 years.
He is a best-selling author and publisher of Australia’s leading property investment e-magazine Property Investment Update and the Michael Yardney Podcast is regularly ranked among the top business and investment podcasts in Australia.
Michael’s opinions are frequently quoted in the media and he has been featured in all major newspapers, finance and property magazines throughout Australia and in his regular segments on Sky TV as well as on commercial radio, and he has probably educated more successful property investors than anyone else in Australia.