How Metropole can help you buy an investment property
We help investors identify, acquire and manage top performing investment properties.
Whether you are just beginning or an experienced investor you should talk to the property investment consultant at Metropole. With all the property marketers, property developers and buyers agents out there looking after their own interests, it’s a great feeling having the independent team at Metropole on your side, working for you to buy an investment property.
When you work with us you will have the comfort of knowing that you are working with a team who have created substantial wealth for clients from all over Australia since 1979. We have national coverage and our independent network of solicitors, accountants and consultants ensures you get solid impartial advice.
We are the opposite to selling agents who work for and are paid by the seller. We are licensed real estate agents (members of the REIV, REINSW, REIQ, REEBA and PIPA) and over the years have bought millions and millions of dollars worth of properties for our clients.
Benefits of our property investment agents

1. We have access to every property for sale
We have no properties for sale, but unlike selling agents, we have access to every property on the market. We scour the markets to find an investment property to suit your needs and provide independent and unbiased investment advice to help you make more informed property purchasing decisions. We also help you pay the minimum price required to secure your property. We look for «properties with a twist», those with hidden upside potential that others may not see.
2. We act for you
We are paid by you and receive no commissions from selling agents or vendors. We have no interest in any of the properties we recommend for purchase. In other words, all our recommendations are genuine and completely independent.
3. We work for you
We help you search for and negotiate for the right investment property for YOU. Remember selling agents act on behalf of the vendor to negotiate the highest price on the sale of a property. We are employed by you to represent your interests to negotiate the best possible price on a property. Our service covers everything from finding the property through to negotiation, acquisition and property management.
4. Our research saves you money
You make your profit when you buy well. Selecting the right property requires time consuming research of many factors including past sales results, market influences and factors that would impact on future values. Engaging Metropole to source your new investment property or home means you won’t pay too much.
5. Our experience saves you time
Searching for the right investment property to buy takes a considerable amount of time, – one of your most precious assets. Many of our clients are busy professionals and understand the need to leverage their time. We do all the legwork and present a shortlist of suitable properties for you to inspect.
6. We know property
The team at Metropole properties has extensive property experience in the areas of property purchasing and negotiation. You can be assured that the people negotiating and securing properties on your behalf are well informed on market trends and values.
7. We find out what you want and get it for you
We take the time to determine your needs and your long-term goals at the beginning of the search process so that we can identify properties that meet all your requirements.
8. Our skills reduce your stress
Buying an investment property can be a very stressful experience. Our job is to make the process as hassle free as possible. We guide you through the process, coordinating all the support services you need including solicitors, mortgage brokers, building inspectors, insurance brokers, accountants, quantity surveyors and property managers.
The right property, at the right price, unbiased advice.
Who benefits from our services?

- Both beginning and experienced property investors
- Home buyers – often your home isn’t your “forever home” and becomes an investment
- The busy executive or working couple
- Those with little real estate experience
- Overseas and interstate buyers
- Those seeking confidentiality
At Metropole we offer you a level of perspective that money just can’t buy.
Apart from our big picture “macro” research, we are on the ground researching investment properties to buy every day of the week means that we often come across property deals that are outstanding value. This usually happens when we come across a highly motivated vendor. They may need to sell quickly due to divorce, financial problems, moving interstate, or they have bought elsewhere and urgently need funds for settlement. Most of these properties are sold before they ever get advertised to the general public and are often called “off market” properties.
Why you need more than just a buyer’s agent or property investment advisor

While residential property investment has created more millionaires in Australia than any other form of investment, not everyone who invests in property is successful.
If well located residential property has a long-term history of strong capital growth, steadily increasing rental income and the ability to leverage other people’s money, why don’t most investors succeed?
In general, it is because of poor property selection. Either they have bought the wrong property in the wrong location or they paid too much. By the way most properties on the market wouldn’t pass Metropole’s criteria as a good investment property.
To be successful in today’s environment you’ll need more that a buyers’ agent or property strategist. You’ll need a team on your side giving you holistic advice. And that’s exactly what Metropole can provide.
Avoid the common mistakes made by property investors

Considering that the average property investor in Australia owns only 1 or 2 properties, most never achieve he financial independence they deserve. Only one in two hundred properties investors own a property portfolio of 5 or more properties. The most common mistakes we see investors make include:
- Buying for emotional reasons (near where they live, or where they holiday or where they want to retire)
- Taking advice from the wrong people such as the selling agent or property marketer
- Not doing adequate (or any) research
- Paying over market price – either due to lack of research or poor negotiation skills
- Buying the wrong property out of frustration – being sick of searching & giving up their weekends
- Not understanding property cycles
- Buying for cash flow or for tax deductions, instead of for capital gains
- Procrastination – fear of moving forward
If you are serious about developing financial independence through property investment you need unbiased, independent, professional advice.